Design your bespoke vision: new my.saycarbonibiza.com configurator
Our new Say Carbon Configurator for IBIZA lets you begin the journey of commissioning your bespoke SAY CarbonYacht by designing your vision.
Thanks to latest technique and eye catching design we invite you and our future clients to configure step by step your vision of your SAY Carbon:
1. Select your SAY Model
2. Choose your favourite engine
3. Design colour// upholstery and floor//accessories and design features.
4. Receive your customised model via email as a summary and the final amount.
How does your innovative SAY Carbon Yacht look like?
Please visit my.saycarbonibiza.com and discover the world of innovative Yachtdesign.
Manufactured in Germany.
For any detailed questions please don’t hesitate to call us to may advise you on the best solution: + 34 971 338 394
We from S.E.Yachting are the official dealers for SAY Carbon Yachts for the Balearics and Spain. We are based in Ibiza, Marina Santa Eulalia and looking forward to meet you soon.
Sunny regards from IBIZA
Your team S.E.Yachting.
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